Hydrogen Peroxide, 500ml

  • Topical antiseptic cleansing agent for cuts, lacerations, scrapes, etc.

  • Can also be used as a mouth wash if diluted with an equal amount of water

  • SKU: F2502165

  • Sold Per Bottle

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  • Topical antiseptic cleansing agent for cuts, lacerations, scrapes, etc.

  • Can also be used as a mouth wash if diluted with an equal amount of water

  • SKU: F2502165

  • Sold Per Bottle

  • Topical antiseptic cleansing agent for cuts, lacerations, scrapes, etc.

  • Can also be used as a mouth wash if diluted with an equal amount of water

  • SKU: F2502165

  • Sold Per Bottle

Disposable Emergency Blanket
Multi-Purpose Speed Splint™
Instant Hot Pack, 21.5 x 14cm
from CA$2.90
First Aid Blanket
70% Rubbing Alcohol, 4L